Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 320

Tonight, after the girls went to sleep & after I ate a big ravioli dinner, I wrote in the girls' baby books. :) Of course, I had to go back and read them from the beginning... It was so sweet. We were very new at it all (in P's book) and I laughed at how we thought her not sleeping at night was a sign of something life threatening! Wow. :/ By the time we got to Lu, we were still shocked by the newborn phase, but had a better handle on it all. We knew we were a complete family once we saw Lulu's face, that we wouldn't have anymore kids... Even seeing/reading how miserable it was being pregnant, I still look at that time through rose colored glasses (is that the saying??) We are happy, us four, and through each hard(er) phase the girls go through, we still find humor, amazement and beauty. And here we are only at the start. Let's hope we make it through with this attitude!  ;)

Today I captured Lu bouncing in big circles in her Johnny Jumper:

When Penelope gets the idea she can walk through that doorway while Lu is doing that, she usually gets knocked down. Hard. :/ Poor baby! Never learns.

As of today, Luciana being almost 11 months old, she is learning to keep up with her sister, and the two have juuuuust begun to play together. But, barely. :) They are gentle with each other, but P has to be reminded of this sometimes when she gets excited. She hugs her sister, and shares (when gently nudged), and laughs when Lu does. Best friends already!


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