Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 312

We stayed home all day today, waiting for  the installer of our new plantation shutters. Those people always want to come right in the middle of the day, so you can't really do anything but wait! But, it was worth the wait-- they are gorgeous! We now have the ability to shut out the morning sun, hopefully enabling the girls some great sleep, until 10am!!! Ha, right. 

We played, colored, sang, danced, brushed our own teeth, said new words, splashed in the kiddie pool, hugged, kissed, and had a good time. 

We also fell off the bench at the kitchen table, refused breakfast, pulled hair, threw the ball at someone's head, screamed, cried, fallen off the chair into the toy box, crawled into a table & bruised the cheek, refused lunch...... I could go on, but I won't! We still had a good time, and I considered today a good day. Having two under two is tough, but there are so many fun things about it, I'm so happy we get to do it.

So, Luciana tried to eat a bagel today, with Mama watching like a hawk, since she has only two tiny teeth....

She was "whatever" about it. :) Oh, and I have to mention-- whenever one of the girls gets hurt or in trouble and cries, the other feels her pain and cries too. It's sweet, funny, and loud. 

That's all.... Time for some sleep! Lu is sleeping great, still. Only wakes once and it's usually in the beginning of the night. :)

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