Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 298

Hot day, and we begun in the sun! :/ We haven't been out walking in the morning all week, so we powered through an early breakfast & getting clothes on, snacks packed and made it out. Never easy to do, but we all were glad once we were there. We came home and Lulu went right down for her nap; P went down about an hour later, and that seems to be a good routine we can maybe try to stick with. It just means I have to keep Lu up an hour longer than she's used to. If she's real tired ever, I'll put her down earlier, no problem. It's really Mama who is craving a strict routine!! We'll all be sleeping  well soon enough. I'm really enjoying my babies while they're still babies, and this happens to be a part of it. (This is Nighttime Mommy speaking... Up At Crack Of Dawn Mommy may sing a different tune. :)) 

Here are a few pics from today... Night!

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