Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 310

It took our baby girl 310 days of practice to... Sleep through the night!! :) Great timing, Lu-- do it on a night that Mama can't sleep a wink! ;) Last night was brutal! Penelope kept waking, she was so hot. I went in to give her water, put her hair back in a pony tail, and soothe her back to sleep a few times. Daddy, who was exhausted & needed rest for work today, went to bed at 8, but had to have a fan 3 inches from his head! It was a loud fan, and I wouldn't have been able to hear the girls cry, so I slept in Sofa City-- in the playroom/livingroom. Lulu slept sans swaddle, in just a onesie  and seemed to have the best night of us all! She didn't wake once, but of course I kept waking just out of confusion, habit, and fear, to be quite honest! I kept thinking of awful reasons she wasn't waking up... But, my common sense won, and I stayed OUT of her room! She and P woke a minute after Papa left the house at 4:45. :/ I changed P's diaper, and she went back to sleep, and brought Lu to our bed, and she slept a couple more hours too. Here's what I woke up to this morning:

I had a hold of her arm while we slept... Didn't want her rolling off our bed! Poor P fell once, and we aren't having that happen again. 

So today was hot. Whatever, it's becoming the miserable norm. We were out for a couple hours, and when we got home again, I noticed it wasn't nearly as hot as it was yesterday at that hour... It is still hot, but cooling off slowly. 

Tonight before dinner, I saw Luciana crawl a few "steps"!! :) Our angel is doing it! I made a huge deal, scooping her up to cover her face with kisses, and probably scared her a little. :/ Point here: she will be super mobile within a week. Yiiiiikes!! 

That's all folks. 

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