Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 317

Today's post will be short-- I'm just so tired! (I hope I'm not getting sick, I've been tired all day.) 

Nothing super eventful today, so I'll just share a couple pics.

I found these floatie things at Albertson's, 75% off, end of summer sale, and had a feeling we'd use them in and out of the water....

(The 10 minutes between both of them being blown up were insane-- they were fighting over the one, and I had to be a ref! I know next time, I'll wait to give whatever it is when they are both ready.)

And here is our little tired angel before bathtime. It happens around 5:30, and she's just had her dinner, so she's real tired and just ready for sleep. She loves the bath, though, and it helps her to want to stay awake until bedtime. :)

Well, my post wasn't as short as I'd planned, so that's good! Oh, I should mention-- Lulu had her second flu shot this morning, and she did amazing!! Cried for 5 seconds, then was in Mama's arms and was all better. :) What a trooper. Penelope said "uh-oh" when we started walking toward the exam room! She knew what was up!!! She worries, poor thing! 

Also, Penelope and I were dancing to some music on a show we watched after the bath, and Lu joined us, bouncing, waving her hands! So so super cute!

That's all. Night!

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