Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 305

What a hot day... I must sound like a broken record, but it's just as hot as it can be. We three gals were all in terrible moods as a result, today, thank goodness Papa was at work. He would've headed for the hills!! :/ We were up at 6am, and naps were had early-- thank goodness. Both girls went down within half an hour of each other, so Mama actually got a break. I continued work on some cute things for the girls rooms-- embroidery, kind of. After lunch, we did Costco, playtime, dinner and baths. We all roasted the whole time, except for P, she got to swim in her pool for a little bit. :) 

I got to nap for a bit with Luciana in the morning. P was still asleep & I heard Lu cry. I go upstairs to get her up, but I can tell she's still tired, so I lie down with her, and snuggled as close as I could. She is a champion snuggler, a real pro, and we enjoyed abother half hour of sleep. Heaven!! Smelling her sweet baby smell, her chubby little hands squeezing my arms, I was just in la-la love land with my baby girl. :) I know one day she would cringe to have me wrapped around her like that, so I'm enjoying it now! 

Here's what I finished in the last few days. Haven't decided who will get what yet.

And here are the girls at Costco. It was Lulu's very first time in the shopping cart! She love love loved it! The only problems were when they wanted to sort of poke, prod & grab at each other and their things. Lu kept trying to snatch P's food samples-- and P wasn't having that! Or Lu was mad when P wanted to have her arm around her neck... In a nice way, but Lu didn't like it. They did enjoy it, too, wasn't all bad. :)

That's it... It's 11:09pm and I just heard you cry, Lulu. Here we go! :) 


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