Thursday, September 4, 2014

Day 297

Long long long day. Papa and I had appointments with the doctor, and mine was at 8:30, so I was up before everyone!! Never happens. I was out until noon, and the girls stayed home with Daddy & went on a walk to the beach!

They stopped and played at the playground...

And Daddy said that Lulu went down the slide (on his lap), and loved the teeter totter! Yay Lulu! And check out big girl P on the jungle gym there... She's serious about playing, loves to climb and jump and slide! Our little daredevil... Wonder who she gets that from? ;)

Later, when it was Daddy's turn for the doctor, us girls played at home & had an early dinner before heading out to see our friends and hear about their first days of school. :) We (and by we I mean me) are very nervous about handing off out our children to preschool. Mama is already freaking out, and P won't be in school until next fall. That gives me time to get used to the idea. :)

Once we were all home together again, we did bathtime, and all piled on the couch for Peppa... Here are Luciana and I:

What a big girl... Still not crawling, but she wants to. We aren't rushing her, by any means, she'll crawl when she's good and ready!

That's all for today. Goodnight.

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