Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 313

Luciana is contributing to sleep very well at night. She wakes once, and goes right back down. :) I have to admit-- I'm still not sleeping great, as my body is still accustomed to waking multiple times, but it'll get better! 

We had friends over for dinner tonight (Papa's friend from work & his wife), so our day was mostly preparation and regular stuff (meals, cleanup, baths, etc.) We had a good day, and are just happy we get to have Daddy home tomorrow... Even if he's watching football, he'll be home. :)

Oh, Lulu and I did grocery shopping today, while Daddy & P napped-- she loves riding in the shopping cart now! No more Ergo or car seat, she is more and more a big girl every day.

I'll be sure to post pics tomorrow. Night!

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