Thursday, September 18, 2014

Day 311

Well, guess who is all of a sudden crawling now?! Luciana Mary, that's who. :) What a cute crawler, too, her "steps" are really small, and she looks so happy to be mobile! I saw her take a couple "steps" yesterday & predicted she'd be crawling in a week... She just needed a day of trying, I guess! So sweet.

Daddy and I both had dentist appointments today, so that ended up being our whole day. We didn't take the girls anywhere except for an evening walk, which was quite nice, because THE HEAT IS GONE!!!! Yay!!!! I'm so relieved I didn't go out and buy 3 more fans like I almost did. This summer has been super up and down weather wise, and I'm just ready for it to be over.

Here are a few pics from today:

The first one, Daddy stood her up like that, she didn't stand on her own! And the second-- he caught this moment while he was doing dishes. Sisters playing together, this is how you melt a Mommy's heart! :)


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