Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 295

The girls and I had a good day-- we are getting used to our new naps schedule. :/ Still, we haven't gotten a consistent daily schedule, but we are getting used to that. Our biggest question mark is Penelope's nap-- it's just been all over the place. Some days she'll be wiped out by 11am, and days like today she wasn't ready for sleep until almost 2pm!!! Nuts, but we are doing what we have to, and enjoying our days despite the inconsistency. (Very tough for a Mama who thrives on routine!!!) 

Luciana is growing so much these days. She is so chubby! I just love squeezing her, my sweet baby girl.  :) As of now, she has two teeth (bottom center), and today I felt two bumps on top, new teeth coming in. :) The vampire teeth!! 

That is all for today. Just gave Lulu her binky again, she was crying. I think she'll sleep for a few hours again now... Goodnight.

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