Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 307

Broken record alert! IT'S HOT. Like, real hot. We put both girls to bed with two fans going, and Lulu is sleeping without a swaddle for the first time in her life! 10 months, and she's sleeping like a baby should! :) Granted, it's only been two hours since I've taken her out of it, so we'll see how it goes, but I think she wS hot as heck & is feeling much better with the air hitting her arms & legs, just like we all have. I'm proud of her, in any case!!

We went to see Aunt Holly's house today-- she and Lily moved back down here from Oakland, and we are super happy they are back. :) Daddy helped her with moving, so we went to visit, and felt awful that they had to do it in the crazy heat we are having. :/ We came home, I put the babies in diapers only, gave them cool baths after a cool dinner (cereal) and tried not to roast too much. I can't wait for fall. I have a feeling it's nowhere near. 

I've been working on some projects for the girls' rooms & here is the latest, for Lulu's room:

It's small... And this one is in progress:

I sat stitching, watching Sleepless In Seattle (I've never seen that one!) alone (Papa passed out for the night at 7, right after the girls) and sweated... Just sitting there. Ugh! Ok, I will stop complaining now! Goodnight.

Ah! Just got a few pix from Mana from Holly & Lily's... 

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