Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 299

66 days until our baby girl is one year old!! :) Wow. It has been a crazy ride, becoming a parent, and then having our second baby 13 months later... I think we are just now finding our footing, and are feeling as if we kind of have a clue! 

Today we visited Aunt Anita & Anabella (Uncle Matt was fixing his fishing boat) and we also got to visit with Daddy at work. Anita, Matt & Bells live so near Daddy's station (#5, right outside LAX) that we couldn't pass by there without stopping for hugs and kisses. :) While the girls were together today, they played and had a great time. Here they are sitting on the porch:

And with Papa, here are the girls playing in the racquetball court:

...and hanging out in the garage with all those enormous trucks:

It was a long day, lots of driving, but it afforded us gals some good naps (them girls, haha), some time to just sit and listen to my audiobook (driving = not running after the kids = yay), and we got to do some nice visiting. Great day! The girls were in bed by 7:20 tonight, they had to skip baths, but I think all that fun was worth it! We are looking forward to seeing Papa tomorrow morning, and preparing for camping day after tomorrow. Mama is pretty nervous about that.... Our last attempt was an epic fail. We'll see how it goes!! 


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