Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 300

300 days old! She has grown so much in the last month or so, even now day to day, so many changes... It's great. :)

Today was probably the hottest day we've felt all summer. Not fun. :/ We were pretty much at home all day, too-- watching football (Daddy's idea), packing for camping, and relaxing. We made it out for groceries, but that's it. The girls didn't seem to mind the heat, so that's a good thing.

Here's Daddy's glamour shoot with Lulu this morning...

She hates being on her belly.... I wonder if that has anything to do with why she can't (won't?) crawl yet? :/ We are going to really make a point to work with her on that.... She'll be one in 65 days, after all!! 

She was so tired this evening, she kept whining... Daddy wanted her to nap, but it was already after 4, so we decided she should stay up. Well! She went and fell asleep on the diaper changing pad in the bathroom after her bath!!!

I usually wash her first, then take her out, get her all lotioned up & in her pjs and she'll play on her mat until I'm done with P. Today it was too long, I guess!! :) So cute, so sweet, what an angel! She ended up making it until bedtime-- 7pm! What a trooper! 

We are all exhausted from our day.... And we have more packing and a 2 1/2 - 3 hour drive ahead of us tomorrow. And camping!!! I'm nervous as I can be-- our last trip, we were so over it, we left after one night!!! We'll see how we do this time. 


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