Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day 260

It's just so darn hot lately. And humid. And the kids just don't seem to notice, really! We keep cool at home in the morning, before the house heats up, then we have to head outside or somewhere else... Just gets too hot! After a few errands, P played outside & I let Lu splash around in the kiddie pool a bit, which she just LOVED. :) She's sitting up perfectly now, and is NOT ok with just hanging out in her bouncer-- she wants in on all the action around her, it's cool to see her become more and more interested in the world! She also sits unassisted in the bathtub with her sister, but Mama still helps, for now. I think she'll move pretty fast from here, crawling, and stuff... Our angel is 8 months old, and we see her getting more and more beautiful, she's so smart and has such a laid back personality. :) We love her so much. 

Here is a pic of her playing on the rug this morning:

And here in the bathtub tonight:


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