Monday, July 7, 2014

Day 238

Lulu had a day out with Mommy today :) We had Mana stay home with P, and hit the road-- she's a great errand running pal, as she just sits in her stroller looking cute, smiling at Mama & getting tons of compliments from strangers. ;) We love having P usually, but today we had about 5 stops, and with the three of us, that would've taken forever. 

After Mana went home, it was dinner, baths & bed... And just a little closer to Papa coming home! He's been away for three days, bless him, he needs some rest! We have lots planned for the next few days, though, so I guess rest is gonna have to wait. :/ One day we'll rest, but not any time soon!! 

Here's a pic of Luciana fresh out of the bath this evening... She gets washed first, and taken out & changed into jammies while P plays. Everyone seems fine with this arrangement! :)

There she is.... The sweetest baby sister in th world. :')

(I never remember to take photos when we have Mana here... We'll have to change that;))

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