Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 249

Today, Lulu showed me that she is a picky eater like Mama. :/ She usually eats oatmeal or rice cereal mixed with bananas (her all time fave) or other iced fruits and veggies. Today I was out of all her favorites, and we tried a new kind of cereal, and a new fruit mixture... She would not eat it! I guess I can understand her-- she likes what she likes! But, she did try peach yogurt for the first time, since she didn't want the cereal, and likes it. :) 

Today we had a very low key morning, and then went to the park & on a few errands after morning naps. The girls are happy to run boring errands of we go to the park first, where P can run wild for a bit and get her sillies out. It's a fair trade, I think. :)

Lulu is still working on pushing her little tooth out, and it's going okay, I think. We'll see what she is like once that thing really starts coming out!! Poor baby, I know it's going to all happen at once! :/

Well, Papa is home tomorrow for four days, and it's Mama's 37th birthday on Sunday, so we get to have fun the next two days, I'm so so so happy we don't have any house projects, or appointments, or cleaning, or any other blah things to do-- yay! (We actually like the house projects, but a break is always good.)

Mama is praying, literally praying for a good night's sleep for our sweet little Lulu. Waking up every hour can't be good for anyone's health!

Here are some pics from today-- Lulu in the play pen, somewhere she can fall over and not hurt her head, and a place where Brutus (P) can't manhandle her. Also-- a couple of us girls tonight before bed, on the couch watching Peppa. Night!

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