Saturday, July 5, 2014

Day 236

Luciana had a very good day, we all did-- we spent the day at home, had a very low key day, and it was just what we all needed! Yesterday was a busy day from start to finish, and BOTH girls slept in as a result of a very late night. Papa went back to work this morning, and us gals slept until 8am!!!!! Unheard of around here. Luciana slept even longer, maybe 8:30! It made for very late "morning" naps, and made our day a little different, in that the girls were napping during early afternoon and so we made it a day of recovery. :) Lulu and I watched Penelope play outside in her little pool and at her water table, but we were chased indoors by an evil lizard after an hour or so! :( It was probably for the best-- it was soooo hot, and that direct sunlight was pretty HOT. After lunch and a walk to the grocery store, we had dinner, did baths and Peppa, next thing you know it-- bedtime!! Our day in a nutshell. The girls are both very used to our routine, so when we have a different kind of day, like yesterday, it really takes another day to get back to normal! No doubt we'll be up early again tomorrow. :/ 

Here's a pic of the sweetest little baby sister in the world:

She was about to eat rice cereal with pears, peas and apple. :P She's still a big eater, and I never have to trick her into eating-- she loves it!! 

That's all for today,

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