Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 245

Today was overcast, and the girls woke up at just the right time-- we went to the park and Mama did the stairs!! We haven't been in ages, so it really felt good, and like an accomplishment, getting the girls fed, dressed, packed and into the car by 8:15!! It's definitely tough, but it was really fun seeing our friends, and Penelope LOVED playing at the playground with her friend Quinn. We are hoping to get out at least 3 times a week, if Mama can get it together. We'll see. Here's Lu at the park this morning:

P is there too, see her leg? :)

So it's Monday, and that means Papa comes home tomorrow-- woohoo! :) The girls will be so excited in the morning, and so will Mama. :)

Here's a fuzzy pic of the girls on our bed. 


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