Sunday, July 20, 2014

Day 251

Well, today Mama turned 37. I can't say I feel any older-- but I do feel luckier and more in love (with my little fam) than I ever knew was possible! What a great year, happy to start a new one! :) 

So, we had family over for lunch this afternoon & in opening Papa's card for me, I found out he was taking me away to Laguna Cliffs Mariott (a beautiful place about 1 mile away from home)! Mana & Aunt Holly stayed with the girls and we'll be here two nights!!!!!!! I'm happy to possibly get some sleep, but I really miss my babies!! :/ It's crazy how fast it happens. Still, it's such a treat to be away for just a short time, and enjoy a quiet dinner with Daddy, have a conversation, and we even played Scrabble (our absolute favorite game). :)

We'll see how our baby angel does in the morning, or later tonight if she really needs her Mama. 

And now..... Goodnight for real!!!! ;)
Here's a couple pics of Lulu in her jumper, which she loves now.

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