Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 257

We had ourselves a very nice Saturday-- we invited Anita, Matt & Anabella over for some BBQ & swimming (in our very luxurious kiddie pools). :) We ate burgers, hotdogs & chicken from the grill and the girls ran around together the whole afternoon. They get along great, don't fight, and were both very sad (crying) when it was time for them to go home. :( I love it when we can all get together, and we all really had a good time.

My beautiful sister is 4 months pregnant with her second child, and is looking amazing! She is just starting to truly look pregnant, and is glowing. :) She's such a trooper, too-- no complaining, and easy going like always. We are all anxiously waiting to find out what they're having, a boy or a girl!!!

Here are a couple pics from today. Goodnight!

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