Sunday, October 26, 2014

Day 349

We had a low key day at home, Papa watched football & made us a big breakfast and dinner! We fully enjoyed both, and I always love when we don't have 100 things to do, and places to be (meaning: rushing to get girls ready, packing, forgetting something, etc.) :) So, yeah-- LOVE staying in and enjoying the girls and Daddy all day.

Oh, we actually did go to the park this morning-- it was after that big breakfast. See, if we hadn't gone, Mama & Daddy (especially Daddy) would have passed out from being totally stuffed. Waffles. And they were GOOD. So, we walked to the playground and watched the girls have fun for a bit. They both love the swings.

Here are the girls playing with P's car:

(Sadly, Penelope whipped the door open and knocked Lulu down, after this pic was taken) :/

And here we are getting ready for bed... Goodnight!

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