Friday, October 17, 2014

Day 340

Happy second birthday to Penelope! She decided to give Mama a gift-- she let me sleep until 7:30. :) What a treat, I'll take it over 6:00 am!! Lulu woke at 8:30... It's a great thing, the girls sleeping in more, but it isn't consistent. Still, nice. 

We surprised Penelope with two little gifts at breakfast:

She seemed to understand the whole birthday concept well enough. She kept saying, "birthday cake"! She got to open these gifts, but we are saving all the others (from us, and those sent from family) for tomorrow, at her party. :)

After naps (Lulu and I had to wake P up at 2:30, she would've kept sleeping!!) we went to the San Juan Capistrano Mission, a beautiful place with lots of pretty vegetation, plenty of walking space and a koi pond. P got to walk, not ride in the stroller, and that was such a treat to her!

Daddy came home later and took the girls out for a walk while Mom decorated P's birthday cake....

And finally, BEDTIME. It's been a long day, a long week-- for all of us. Here we are in P's room, where we four go to read bedtime stories and give each other hugs and kisses. What a good day, we had fun singing Happy Birthday to Penelope 20 times. :) Goodnight.

Oh, and since this is Luciana's blog, here's one more of her-- this morning in her pj's, playing her new favorite game: drag out all the toys. :) Little love bug. 

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