Sunday, October 12, 2014

Day 335

The girls and I had a good day today-- we got an old slide from an online OC Moms group I belong to (sort of an online garage sale). Penelope LOVES it, and I can see Luciana trying to figure out how she's gonna get her little pudgy self up that ladder! 

We are usually stuck at home until at least 1:30 due to naps, which aren't synchronized, making it so I am only dealing with one or the other at a time, but not really getting a break. :/ The upside to all this is that I know it won't last long, and that this baby time is so short in the grand scheme of things, and I'm going to love it all. Sigh.... That being said-- come 7:00 (bedtime) I am running upstairs to get these girls to bed and racing back down for a few hours of real "me time" (eating, bathing, cleaning the house, laundry, you know, fun stuff!;)) In all honesty, I really do get to relax and have been watching movies and making felt animals and cute things for a project I have going. It's so calming, stitching this or that, and once I'm done having my fun, the girls' rooms are going to look like an arts and crafts nightmare!!! ;)

Lulu is still teething, but isn't really really complaining about it. She is a suuuuuper picky eater (shocker), and is always smiling and happy. Seriously, she is the happiest baby ever, and it takes a good thump on the head or fall to make her cry. She's our little sweet angel! 

That's all. I'm rambling. We can't wait to have Papa home tomorrow and his waffles, yum! Goodnight.

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