Friday, October 3, 2014

Day 326

Tired Mama here tonight. We were up at 6am, and I actually got to sleep until 7, thanks to Dora The Explorer... Judge me all you want, girls, but if it weren't for good old, annoying Dora, I'd mos certainly be in a padded cell. ;) We did one-after-the-other naps until 1:30pm, and it would've been Luciana's turn for a nap, but I had to get to the grocery store(s), so she had to have her afternoon nap in the car. I ended up driving a little extra to let her sleep a bit... This happens more than I'd like, but I know my babies need their sleep! 

After a long grocery run (after school traffic, and the most crowded Trader Joe's on planet Earth), we got home in time for me to get the girls dinner and then we were off on our bath & bedtime routine. We Face Time'd with Daddy during Bubble Guppies (our new before-bed show) and then the girls zonked out as soon as their heads hit their bedsheets! 

We'll have lots of pics to share tomorrow-- we are celebrating Granddaddy's 97th birthday at the Old Spaghetti Factory. Today, I have nothin'. 


(Lu's left fang tooth has pushed through. She will look so funny when it gets out!)

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