Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 343

It was a day of rest... Almost. :) And for running after a 1 & a 2 year old to feel restful, now that's funny! But it was a good day, just us girls, playing and talking, coloring and the girls taking turns riding in P's new pink car. :) Let me say, they both love that car, and I knew they would. But, I was worried P would be a little territorial with it-- understandably, she's 2, but she shares with no problem! Well, after we asked her to share with Lu-- it was right after she got the car and we just calmly asked her to give Lulu a turn. Well, all day today she would be in her car having a great time, and then she'd push the door open while I was still pushing, and say "Lulu turn!!!" Then she'd have just as much fun helping me push Lulu. It makes me giddy with pride and love to see them sharing, playing together, just showing each other love. :')

Here's Lu on her turn:

She waves now, and seeing her wave from the car-- you almost die from a cute attack, your heart just melts!! 

We did a quick Costco run, but were soon back at home eating dinner and getting ready for bed. Today was all about laundry, and getting the girls proper naps, getting back to our norm. Two days of different really turns us upside down! 

Look at Luciana standing (sorta). She pulls herself up like this-- I think walking is near. :)

We will begin getting Lu's birthday party stuff together now.... Time to get that ball rollin'! Goodnight.

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