Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day 327

We had the honor of celebrating Granddaddy's 97th birthday with him today! We all packed up, and went up to Newport Beach and had lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory, which was yummy. Everyone went to Granddaddy's for cake and ice cream after lunch-- P overdosed on sugar and showed us what that mess looks like! (Verrrrrry energetic!) Anyway, at the restaurant, the girls weren't exactly terrors, but they weren't exactly easy, either. :) I remember, when we are all four out at a restaurant, why we don't go to them often, just for kicks. P wanted to walk, and Lu wanted me to hold her. It could've been way worse, and we had tons of help, so I consider it a win. :)

Here are a few pics... Night!

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