Saturday, October 11, 2014

Day 334

Grandma Gayle came over this morning and stayed with the girls while Mama went out on some errands. Penelope was in hog heaven, and was bouncing off the walls pretty much all day. :) Both girls had a good day, and were worn out by bathtime! It's a strange feeling, wasn't totally worn out by then, what a day! :) 

After Mana left, we played low key and had dinner together, all three of us sitting at the table. Lulu is now sitting in P's old high chair (P got a spiffy new chair for her 2nd birthday-- a fancy one!) and she slides all over it, as it is still a bit big, but she is learning. 

No pics today-- tomorrow is another day. Since we don't have Papa home tomorrow, and it's gonna be a nice day, we might try and treat ourselves to a girls' day outdoors. We'll see! Somewhere the girls can run and play. 

Well... That's all for today. Goodnight!

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