Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Day 337

What a day-- the girls and I prepared for the cleaning lady alllllllll morning, and then made great effort to stay out while she was doing her thing. By the time we got home, it was dinner time, and shortly after, baths. I will say this, though: all worth it for someone else to do the heavy scrubbing. :) Papa is a doll for suggesting her in the first place. I hope by the time you girls read this, and are older, YOU TWO are doing all the cleaning!! ;)

We have had a busy week preparing for Penelope's birthday party, and two baby shower gifts (two friends and Aunt Anita are all expecting at the moment-- it's a big baby year!) were thoughtfully chosen... We are at the beginning of a jam packed season of holidays, parties and events. The girls have been amazing through it all, and Luciana is progressing at lightening speed getting on her way to walking. In the last two days, she has figured out how to pull herself up to standing, and is now confident there. She'll be cruising by next week, mark my words. P is talking in sentences now, more and more-- it's awesome, she can totally communicate with us! Sometimes, though, we still need a baby translator. :/
One more thing Lu did-- she ate some big girl food at snack time today!! They are kind of like cereal bits, but dissolve easily in babies mouths. She LOVED them. Check her out:

Well, I hear Lu thrashing in her bed now, crying for Mama.. Gotta run!

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