Saturday, October 18, 2014

Day 341

I know this is Luciana's blog, but today was Penelope's 2nd birthday party, and since Lulu just adores her big sis, let's do a post about their day.

We woke at 7, and hit the ground running-- there was cleaning to do, decorating for the party, kids to get ready, and minimal grooming for us parents (always happens-- the kids will be immaculate, and I'll have matted hair and smell like yesterday's breakfast eggs :/ ) We arrived 15 minutes early to We Play Loud-- an indoor playground in Lake Forest, and early???? :) Holly & Lily and Anita & Bella met us there to play... We had a great time! 

We got home, and luckily the girls both napped, just as planned. It just never happens-- whatever we plan, never happens, so it was such a nice surprise. Gave us time to go to the grocery store for last minute things, pick up pizza, insight decorating and just get things in place for the party. Once everyone was there, we are pizza & cake, watched P open her gifts and visited for a while. Such a nice day!! Everything went off without a hitch, the girls were in good moods, and the cake wasn't disgusting!  (At least I don't think it was.... Or it was and nobody got sick.) 

Later, after everyone went home, we fed the girls, bathed them, got jammies on and went for a walk-- Lulu in her stroller and P in her new car.

It was a hectic day, lots of running around, but it was so much fun, and worth all the preparations and work. We saw our baby girl so very happy, both of them, and it was amazing. :)

We'll do it all again pretty soon for our sweet Luciana... One year old?! 24 more days.... Time to get the ball rolling again. :)


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