Friday, October 10, 2014

Day 333

Our day was spent playing at home, and on a grocery run-- that's really it! I tried to get Penelope doing more "big girl" stuff today, like water color painting and playing with Play-Doh, and Luciana just watched happily. :) She seems to want to play with P more nowadays, but she's also content to watch P and laugh at her for no apparent reason. :) That's her new thing-- she'll laugh a big, open mouthed, HAHAHA laugh out of nowhere, seemingly for no reason! Who knows, maybe cooking eggs or changing a diaper is hilarious to her!! 

The girls did very well on our grocery run. Lately it's gotten a bit more challenging (for me), because P wants to walk everywhere, and Lu doesn't love riding in the Ergo anymore. :/ And wouldn't you know, they both have to do these things in order for me to be able to put groceries in a cart and then wheel them to the car. It's taking us longer, but, that's okay, as long as I can distract them well enough (songs, talking, promises of a banana) we will make it! 

Here is our beauteous baby girl, sans top today:

And here she is Face Time-ing with Daddy the other night:

That is how we see Papa when he's at work too long and we miss him too much. The girls like seeing him, it's cute how mystified they seem when he appears on the screen!


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