Friday, October 24, 2014

Day 347

It was cold cold COLD in the house this morning... I even turned on the dang heater for a couple hours!! I got us all warm with sweaters and socks, and we were nice & cozy for breakfast. Then, when Luciana went to sleep for her morning nap, Penelope and I went outside to play with the bubble machine (fan with rotating bubble wands-- genius) it was SUMMERTIME HOT again! :( I'm over it, already!!! It's OCTOBER, almost Halloween! 

Ok, rant over.

We really just kept it low key these last two days Papa's been at work, only leaving for an hour each day, and opting out of the evening walks because it got dark on us too fast! We miss Daddy, because when he's here, we do nice long evening walks, he makes us got apple cider and the girls are (usually) calm, and it makes for a nicer, more smooth transition to bedtime. He will be home for a week starting tomorrow, and we are HAPPY!! 

Here's P and the bubbles:

And here is my littlest princess, my sweet chubby angel:

She is "cruising" finally-- that's what all the baby books call it when babies walk from couch to table, holding on the whole time. :) She may walk by her birthday, yet! No rush, angel cakes, you take your time. 


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