Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 200

200 days old.... Our sweet little angel is closer to 7 months old now, and we are beyond proud of what a good girl she is! And so cute, chubby and smart. :) 

Today Mana came to help Mama by watching the girls, so while P was napping, Lulu got some nice quality time with her Grandma. She did pretty well today, no major meltdowns! We tried rice cereal again at lunchtime, and she's still not so sure how to swallow the cereal once she's gotten it off her spoon. :) I'll (try to) feed her a bit of cereal and then nurse her after... She may be taking a little longer, but it's okay. She might not like the taste, who knows?

We have one more full day till we see Papa, so we're getting excited. Oh, and just for the record, the girls are bathing together every night.... They LOVE it! 

Ok, that's all for tonight... Must sleep. Night!

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