Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 199

Luciana, Penelope and Mama were up before the chickens today! (I'm sure we were, even though we don't have chickens anymore, I'm certain we were!) We went on a long beach walk today with our park friends, and then played for a bit at our small park. Lulu slept most of the time, and actually it was a continuation of her morning nap. Lately I'll put her down an hour or an hour and a half after she wakes up. It used to be a challenge keeping Penelope quiet so she wouldn't wake Luciana, but now that we're all in our rooms, it's much easier-- Lulu can nap upstairs where it's quiet and we can be downstairs with loud P! :)
Tonight, before Penelope went to sleep, the girls had a bath together. Lulu went to sleep right after Penelope, around 7:30, and if we can keep on this schedule, Mama & Daddy will have evenings to clean, relax, recharge, read or whatever! It's very exciting. :) 

Here are a few pics from tonight's bath:

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