Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 175

Today was a little cooler, thankfully. We had a couple errands to run in the neighborhood, so we were able to keep ourselves indoors again, though, because it was still pretty hot. Lulu is pretty fair skinned, and we aren't putting sunscreen on her sensitive skin just yet, so I have to be extra careful. I keep baby girl in long sleeves and pants, and always her hat if she's out of her stroller. We'll think about the sunscreen soon, though-- the labels say that at 6 months, it's safe. 

We had a low key day, and are super happy Papa is coming home tomorrow... It's been 3 days, and we just miss him. Luciana loves her Daddy, but is really only all about Mama (the one with the milk!!) right now, so she doesn't really notice, I think. It's Penelope who will walk around and then all of a sudden stop, appear to be thinking, then just say "Dada!", or she'll hear something like keys and think her Daddy is home, and she'll shoot into the front room. They miss their Daddy, but we love his work schedule because his off days are so much fun, and he really is a very hands on Dad. Papa takes the girls places, just the three of them so Mama can rest, and plays with them when we're all home. It's hard for us all at times, but also very rewarding. :)

Luciana is sleeping like a champ in her bedroom, in her crib all night still! :) We'll start to get her on a regular nap and bedtime schedule once we're settled into the upstairs.

Update on our renovations: master bathroom is almost finished, and once we can move into the master bedroom, we can move everything else where it belongs. We have endured lots of noise, dirty, dusty workers in the house, early hours, naps in the car (Mama drives, of course!), and general discomfort from living out of boxes still, but we are so close to finishing with all that... So close. We will LOVE our beautiful, finished rooms and it'll have all been worth it. :)

Time to hit the sack, I sure hope the girls sleep in, even just a little!!! 

Here's Lulu my love before her bath tonight:

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