Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 178

We made it to the park early today-- 8:30 am, and boy was it COLD! :) I was certainly NOT complaining, but I do wish I would have brought extra blankets for my babies. They were fine, but of course I worry. Mama did her workout & then we went to the playground where Penelope goes bananas for a while, and my baby girl Luciana just slept. What a life!! She hardly ever cries when we're walking, and is usually lulled to sleep by the time we're at the playground, so I think Lulu likes our mornings at the park. :) 

Later today, I took the girls on a walk to the Baskin Robbins, and that was pretty much our day. I like these low key days, and I think the girls do too-- we get to spend all our time together playing, cuddling, reading books, and watching Penelope being a nut! Good times... Only thing missing is Daddy. 

Here are pics from this morning:

That's all for today. We have a busy day tomorrow! Night.

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