Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 181

Yesterday was a long day, but a good one. Luciana had her 6-month checkup & immunizations in Newport Beach, so we had a bit of a drive-- we love our pediatrician, still deciding if we want to keep her & schlep or find a local doc. So! Lulu has gained a pound, but is all around still just a teeny tiny princess. :) Dr. Lau says she's just petite like Mommy (and like her big sis was, too), and not to worry. She has met all the milestones expected of her for this age, and is a very healthy girl. When it came time for shots, I braced myself and held her arms... She cried a lot, but calmed when I nursed her right away. I have to mention here that Penelope didn't cry for her one shot! She looked a bit shocked and worried for a second, but she got through it!! My girls are so cool, just like Mom & Dad. ;) This doctor's appointment was super easy (without Daddy, who is always with us) because of our awesome double stroller-- I just put both girls in it, hand P a snack and we're good! 

We came home, had naps and then went on a walk to get Daddy's dry cleaning... Mom might have gotten some Baskin Robbins on the way home.... Maybe. ;) 

Luciana was up late last night: 10:15!! I'm hoping it was because she napped a LOT after her shots and maybe that ruined her sleep. Please let that be it!! We can't go back to no sleep!!!!! :(

More later. Time to get morning naps going. Bye!!

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