Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 193

The Rindge girls went on a mission today! Grandma Gayle met a lady in a store who said she was selling lots of her old craft supplies, and guess who ended up buying a bunch?! Mommy did, that's who. The girls tagged along (obviously), but Mana helped me by watching them while I looked at the stuff. We had a fun day, and by the time we got home it was dinner time. Luciana was a happy trooper all day, except when she was hungry and then at bedtime when she was verrry angry! :/  Sometimes she does cry lots and fusses for an hour before bed, but mostly she just goes to sleep, no fuss. We are happy that she's sleeping longer at night, and I'm sure that will just keep getting better, and real soon. 

Tomorrow we're back to our morning park walk, so I hope we can all get some good sleep. ;) Night!

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