Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 187

Last day on our cruise... I'm both excited (to get back home, our new house, even though the upstairs is still under construction and it's a MESS, we love our home) and I'm sad to be leaving our vacation.  We've been enjoying spending all kinds of time together, and I KNOW the girls are in heaven being with their Daddy nonstop. :)
Today we had breakfast in the dining room again, and then put the girls down for naps and to Mana's room while we went to Bingo!  We took Granddaddy with us, and guess who won?  Mama! :)  I won on the very first game played, it was so exciting!!  Later, we relaxed in our room, took a walk around the ship and began packing.  We brought so much with us (this Mama is ALWAYS prepared for anything!) so it was a daunting task.
Daddy and I decided to dress up for dinner, and wouldn't you know, I got sort of sick at dinner! :(  Just a bit of nausea, nothing serious, but it was enough to ruin my last big dinner on the ship.  I was NOT happy about that since dinners on the Inspiration were pretty much the highlight of our trip!!!
We ended our night just like the previous nights on the ship: come back from dinner, pick up Luciana from Mana's cabin.  She's usually asleep, so I'd carry her to our cabin right next door (where P is knocked out in her crib) and put her down in her bed.
We go home tomorrow... we had a lovely time here, I hope we can do it again sometime!

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