Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 182

Today is Fire Service Day, and we went to Papa's fire station to eat hotdogs & snow cones! :) Just saying-- two of Mommy's favorite things in the world! We were up at the crack of dawn, and after morning naps we were packed for the day and in the car headed to L.A. We invited Aunt Anita, Anabella & Matt, as we all enjoyed a fun day at work with Daddy. The girls were running around the yard, climbing on the fire trucks, and they even got to squirt the fire hose & knock over a cone (something Daddy set up for fun:)) Luciana sat quietly and happily in the Ergo carrier with Mama, and smiled at everyone. She's such a sweetheart! No crying, no whining, no squirming... She's so easy to have around, thankfully, because having two under two could be waaaaaay harder than it is. :)

We went to see Aunt Anita's new house on our way out, and then high tailed it home. We were back in time to have dinner, clean up and get into jammies. What a day!! Mommy continues to get us all ready for our cruise on Monday (today is Saturday). We're excited to be going away for some fun with the girls!!!  

I didn't have anyone take any pics of Lulu and I, so I'll share one of Daddy and Penelope. 

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