Saturday, May 31, 2014

Day 202

We were four again today, yay! The girl's were up early this morning, but not as early-- 7a.m., not 6! I'll take it! Mama and Daddy worked on unpacking the house most of the day, and then we stopped for dinner, a taco place we'd never tried before. The girls were happy at the table at first (we had a "dine in only" coupon, so we couldn't carry the food out. Anyway, it ended with screams and tears! :/ Still, I'm glad we keep trying and get them out. Lulu was a little cranky today, and it took her awhile to get to bed also... but she had a good day. :)
Earlier in the day, Penelope ran through  the sprinklers, Lulu watched... here is a cute pic.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 201

The three Rindge gals had a good day today. Our beach walk was cancelled, so we made sure to have our own walk later. Once I found out we weren't going, I put Luciana back down to sleep and she was OUT LIKE A LIGHT! I know she'd do that most mornings, and I wonder if she's getting enough sleep during the day when we go to the park early... :/ After a Costco run, all the Rindge girls had a nap! Lulu and I snuggled on our new sofa mattress (that is laid out in the front room to air out) and slept-- it was awesome! :)

We are happy that once we wake up, we'll see Daddy again. It's been a long three days, and we all miss him! 

Not much more to report today. Night!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Day 200

200 days old.... Our sweet little angel is closer to 7 months old now, and we are beyond proud of what a good girl she is! And so cute, chubby and smart. :) 

Today Mana came to help Mama by watching the girls, so while P was napping, Lulu got some nice quality time with her Grandma. She did pretty well today, no major meltdowns! We tried rice cereal again at lunchtime, and she's still not so sure how to swallow the cereal once she's gotten it off her spoon. :) I'll (try to) feed her a bit of cereal and then nurse her after... She may be taking a little longer, but it's okay. She might not like the taste, who knows?

We have one more full day till we see Papa, so we're getting excited. Oh, and just for the record, the girls are bathing together every night.... They LOVE it! 

Ok, that's all for tonight... Must sleep. Night!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Day 199

Luciana, Penelope and Mama were up before the chickens today! (I'm sure we were, even though we don't have chickens anymore, I'm certain we were!) We went on a long beach walk today with our park friends, and then played for a bit at our small park. Lulu slept most of the time, and actually it was a continuation of her morning nap. Lately I'll put her down an hour or an hour and a half after she wakes up. It used to be a challenge keeping Penelope quiet so she wouldn't wake Luciana, but now that we're all in our rooms, it's much easier-- Lulu can nap upstairs where it's quiet and we can be downstairs with loud P! :)
Tonight, before Penelope went to sleep, the girls had a bath together. Lulu went to sleep right after Penelope, around 7:30, and if we can keep on this schedule, Mama & Daddy will have evenings to clean, relax, recharge, read or whatever! It's very exciting. :) 

Here are a few pics from tonight's bath:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Day 198

Luciana is usually a very good girl, but she just becomes so fussy at bedtime some nights. It's what babies do, I know this, but it doesn't make it any easier to hear and see. I don't get annoyed, I feel sad for my little angel! She gets so worked up, hot and then has that crying hiccup for hours after. :/ My poor baby, I can't wait until she knows how to get to sleep easier! Until that happens, Mama helps any way I can, and sometimes that's just wrapping her in a swaddle and leaving her be-- which is hard if she is crying. Well, tonight was that kind of night, the kind where it took her almost two hours to fall asleep. In happier news, Lulu is doing SO well otherwise! She is napping great during the day, is "talking" more and more, is interacting with her big sis (whom she adores), and is practicing eating rice cereal and getting it (understanding & learning how to eat) more and more each time. :) 

We worked on the house all day, and made some real progress! Papa organized the garage!!!! Huge accomplishment, it was a mess since we moved in more than three months ago, things just stuffed in willy nilly, no space to walk practically. We also did more inside, so we're happy to see it all comin together at last. :) :) :) 

Papa goes back to work tomorrow, so it'll be us girls for a few days. We plan on continuing the work, if we can, to try and be as moved in as we can by the time Daddy's Daddy comes to stay with us in a couple weeks. 

That's all for now. ;)

Day 198

Luciana is usually a very good girl, but she just becomes so fussy at bedtime some nights. It's what babies do, I know this, but it doesn't make it any easier to hear and see. I don't get annoyed, I feel sad for my little angel! She gets so worked up, hot and then has that crying hiccup for hours after. :/ My poor baby, I can't wait until she knows how to get to sleep easier! Until that happens, Mama helps any way I can, and sometimes that's just wrapping her in a swaddle and leaving her be-- which is hard if she is crying. Well, tonight was that kind of night, the kind where it took her almost two hours to fall asleep. In happier news, Lulu is doing SO well otherwise! She is napping great during the day, is "talking" more and more, is interacting with her big sis (whom she adores), and is practicing eating rice cereal and getting it (understanding & learning how to eat) more and more each time. :) 

We worked on the house all day, and made some real progress! Papa organized the garage!!!! Huge accomplishment, it was a mess since we moved in more than three months ago, things just stuffed in willy nilly, no space to walk practically. We also did more inside, so we're happy to see it all comin together at last. :) :) :) 

Papa goes back to work tomorrow, so it'll be us girls for a few days. We plan on continuing the work, if we can, to try and be as moved in as we can by the time Daddy's Daddy comes to stay with us in a couple weeks. 

That's all for now. ;)

Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 197

Happy Memorial Day! The Rindge fam spent the first part of our day (all together, yippy!) getting the house together in various ways: hanging the televisions, organizing our closet, and just keeping the house clean, which is an ongoing challenge for the two of us. Afternoon naps happened, and then we had Grandma Gayle. Granddaddy, Aunt Holly & Lily over for dinner-- chili dogs and brownies for dessert! :) We enjoyed the good company, the girls love seeing family and we do too. It isn't every day that we all can get together, so it was real nice. :)

We are pretty exhausted now... Time to (try to) get some sleep... Lulu was an angel today, always so happy! Goodnight.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Day 196

Little Luciana woke up today at 6am sharp. I'd been up with her between 5-6 times last night (not all feedings, sometimes just to replace a binky) and so the three of us were all pretty spent by 10am. I wrap Lu in a sleeper bag with Velcro, that helps her sleep better, so she did-- on our new chair!

So, Mama sat down on the sofa and wouldn't you know it, I dozed off and got about 20 minutes nap!!!  I just love it when the girls nap at the same time! :)
We ran a few errands today, and by the time we got home, it was dinner, baths (we are doing double baths now!!), story time and bed! We are happy that in the morning we'll see Papa. It's been three days, and we miss him so! 
Tomorrow is Memorial Day, and we are planning on playing it low key-- maybe a bike ride to the beach, nothing complicated, no packing everything we own to lug it down, just simple. We'll see how it goes, we're just happy we'll be together. :)

Luciana is "talking" sooo much now. She says "Dadadadadadaaa!" She likes to talk, and it makes everyone around her smile. She is the cutest little thing, too! I feel her getting heavier, which is nice because she is just so tiny, I'd like to see her get nice & chubby! 

That's all for today. Mama is OUT. Until Lu wakes up again, that is. ;)

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 195

Miss Luciana had herself a very nice day, and got to see her Daddy after he worked for three days! We worked on getting our house together, and made lots of progress, yay! Since we are having guests stay soon (Daddy's Daddy & Ann) we have been looking for a new sofa set for our "library" :) -- it's the room with lots of books & no TV. Anyway, we found a great set on Craigslist today. & brought it home. We are trying to get this place in shape every moment we possibly can. This makes our little sweet baby girls very annoyed and then they whine and/or cry. It has been hard on them, as Mommy isn't as attentive (playing roll-the-ball, reading Goodnight Moon over & over, and cuddling during Sesame Street) because I'm just trying my best to get our house looking like it should. But, they are hanging in there pretty well! We both took time to do our bedtime routine with the girls, and that included a nice 15 or 20 minute snuggle time with my sweet Lulu. She loves it, and I'm lucky she wants her Mama :) 

So, we're done for the night, totally wiped out. Here's a pic of Lulu while Mama was cleaning. Goodnight.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Day 194

It's a Friday, and the second day we didn't go on our morning walk/workout... We find we miss it! Instead, I took the babies for a nice long beach walk, after their morning naps, that is. It was super windy, and Luciana napped almost the entire way anyway! She loves being in the stroller almost always, thankfully, and I can always count on her for a nap when we're walking. Penelope, on the other hand, well she just wants to run and play! Her days of sleeping in the stroller are long gone. :/
After the afternoon naps, the girls had a bath together!! It turned out to be a good thing-- I had Lulu in P's old bath chair toward the back and P playing with her toys in front. After washing Lu, I let them splash around together and they just loved it! :) So sweet, I can't wait til the girls can really play together. As it is sometimes now, Lulu's head is a bongo drum, and Penelope plays bongo. :( She has never really hurt her sister, but Mama keeps a close watch, because P really doesn't know her strength. But 99% of the time, she's all hugs, kisses and sharing. :)

I haven't posted many pics lately, so here are a few... The last pic is Luciana asleep on the couch this evening. Goodnight! 

P.S. It's 11:35 and I just fed Lulu-- she went down at 7:30, and I supposed she'll wake up again, maybe around 3. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day 193

The Rindge girls went on a mission today! Grandma Gayle met a lady in a store who said she was selling lots of her old craft supplies, and guess who ended up buying a bunch?! Mommy did, that's who. The girls tagged along (obviously), but Mana helped me by watching them while I looked at the stuff. We had a fun day, and by the time we got home it was dinner time. Luciana was a happy trooper all day, except when she was hungry and then at bedtime when she was verrry angry! :/  Sometimes she does cry lots and fusses for an hour before bed, but mostly she just goes to sleep, no fuss. We are happy that she's sleeping longer at night, and I'm sure that will just keep getting better, and real soon. 

Tomorrow we're back to our morning park walk, so I hope we can all get some good sleep. ;) Night!

Day 193

What a busy day! First our park group, then Costco, lunch & naps followed, and then then rest.... it sure doesn't sound busy typing it out now, but it was! Lulu was actually fussy this evening, but I think it was just because her sister was too (teething). They really absorb each other's moods sometimes, and that can be exhausting.
Not much else to report, and Mom is so sleepy! More tomorrow and I promise some photos!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day 192

We had ourselves a busy busy day today.  Started out with our walking group and Daddy came with us! :) Mama runs up and down LOTS of stairs-- once up and down, three times. In between each time, we walk around the park as a cool down. Well, today Daddy was my trainer and got me to do the stairs SIX TIMES!!! There are 118 stairs. Yeah. :/ The girls were in the double stroller hanging out and then we played at the park. Afterwards, we went to get stuff to build our closet, for our bedroom, and Daddy did the whole thing! The girls and I hung out all day; we were pooped from the morning, so it was a low key afternoon.

Daddy goes back to work for three days starting tomorrow... We've had him home since the day before our cruise! We aren't ready to give him back to LA. :/

I'll keep us busy while Papa is away, we have a few fun things planned. :)


Monday, May 19, 2014

Day 191

We went to our walking group today, just Lulu & I-- since Daddy was home & it would've interfered with Penelope's nap, and it was fun! We always love the way a nice morning walk makes us feel!

Later we worked on getting our house into order-- slowly but surely it's getting there! We should be all the way settled real soon now. :) 
Luciana is going to work on sleeping more at night, we decided. Mama is too tired, and we think she's old enough to skip all that nursing. We hope it'll work!

That's all for tonight... Bye bye!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Day 190

We finally got our master bedroom painted and moved into it... Thanks to Daddy and all his hard work! :) It's still not all the way done, but we've come a long way. The girls and I stayed home all day, except for a short visit to the park. We'll be glad to get back to our morning walks and park with our friends. 

Luciana is now right next door to us, and I feel a lot better about that. Obviously she's been okay down the hall, it's just a matter of being able to hear her at night a little bit better. She's still waking up 2-3 times each night, but I'm confident she'll sleep all the way through the night soon, when she's ready. 

We had a nice Sunday at home and are happy we've gotten to spend so much time with Daddy! 


Saturday, May 17, 2014

Day 189

Today was all about getting settled in at home again, and it turned into a day for Daddy to paint our new bathroom and bedroom.  We are still sleeping in the office, so hopefully we'll be moving into our bedroom tomorrow if Papa finishes in there early enough.  Once we can do that, we'll be able to really finally UNPACK and get all the boxes OUT of our front room and have a home that looks like a home, not a place where bums live.
It was pretty hot today, so I kept the girls in t-shirts and shorts.  Us girls took a trip to Trader Joe's for groceries this afternoon, but other than that, we were at home and glad of it.  :)
We have Daddy home today and maybe tomorrow... we aren't complaining, we love it!
Luciana had a bath today, and she is starting to really love the water.  At first she was a bit scared, but now she splashes and seems to really like being in her cute whale bathtub! :)

That's all for today... hope I'll have pics of our house all in order very very soon.


Day 188

Today we:

1. Woke up way too early :(
2. Ate breakfast in the dining room with Mana & Granddaddy
3. Finished packing
4. Collected my Bingo winnings (woo hoo!)
5. Left the ship... wahhhh :(
6. Waited one hour for Daddy to get through the parking lot with the car to take us home
7. Dropped Mana & Granddaddy off at Mana's
8. Got home & unpacked for us all & got laundry started
9. Finally put our feet up and smiled because we are so happy to be home again!

What a great trip... we had an awesome time and are happy we were able to share it with Mana & Granddaddy.  The girls were great, and even though Luciana won't remember it, I'm going to always remember her first vacation, and first cruise!!!  She did so well away from home, we are so proud. :)

Ahhh... now, let's plan our next trip! ;)

Day 187

Last day on our cruise... I'm both excited (to get back home, our new house, even though the upstairs is still under construction and it's a MESS, we love our home) and I'm sad to be leaving our vacation.  We've been enjoying spending all kinds of time together, and I KNOW the girls are in heaven being with their Daddy nonstop. :)
Today we had breakfast in the dining room again, and then put the girls down for naps and to Mana's room while we went to Bingo!  We took Granddaddy with us, and guess who won?  Mama! :)  I won on the very first game played, it was so exciting!!  Later, we relaxed in our room, took a walk around the ship and began packing.  We brought so much with us (this Mama is ALWAYS prepared for anything!) so it was a daunting task.
Daddy and I decided to dress up for dinner, and wouldn't you know, I got sort of sick at dinner! :(  Just a bit of nausea, nothing serious, but it was enough to ruin my last big dinner on the ship.  I was NOT happy about that since dinners on the Inspiration were pretty much the highlight of our trip!!!
We ended our night just like the previous nights on the ship: come back from dinner, pick up Luciana from Mana's cabin.  She's usually asleep, so I'd carry her to our cabin right next door (where P is knocked out in her crib) and put her down in her bed.
We go home tomorrow... we had a lovely time here, I hope we can do it again sometime!

Day 186

Today was another wonderful day aboard ship.  We woke early-- it's always Luciana that cries and wakes Penelope, but in our cabin we are all together, so even a tiny cry is a wake up call. :/  We ate breakfast in the dining room this time, and it went well.  Later, Daddy and I left the girls with Mana & Granddaddy and went to the Serenity deck for some lounging in our swimsuits, reading.  It was so relaxing, we both fell asleep!  We have found a routine aboard ship, and pretty much do the same things each day, using the same times for naps, meals and relaxing to coordinate with Mana & Granddaddy so that they can also enjoy the ship and their vacation.  Today, while Daddy and Penelope went to the water park area, Luciana and I stayed behind in our cabin; we didn't want to sit in the hot sun, so we watched some TV and cuddled. :)  It is so nice when I get time to really spend with each baby girl without interruption, and I have gotten some really great quality time with both my angels!  So nice.
We decided not to get off our ship at either of our stops (Catalina & Ensanada, Mexico), so we spent all of our time on the Inspiration.  Most of the other cruisers did get off at each port, so it made the ship empty(ish) and more enjoyable for all those who stayed behind!
After dinner tonight, Papa and I watched a DVD on his computer in our bed.  We finding time to relax and are having such a great time! We are getting to spend lots of time together as a family, it's a real treat. :)
Tomorrow's our last full day aboard ship, then it's back to reality. :/  But, while it lasts, we are going to soak up every fun minute together!

Day 185

Before I talk about today, I  should give a quick rundown about last night.  Since all the cribs were taken, we had to put Luciana to bed on our sofa pullout-- she did just fine! :)  She woke up a couple of times, but just like at home, she was a perfect angel!  Penelope woke up in the middle of the night scared, probably not remembering that we were not at home, but she was okay once she saw that we were all together in the same strange place!
Today we ate breakfast buffet style, and everyone behaved well.  While the girls napped, Mommy enjoyed a Mother's Day gift from Daddy: an hour and forty minute spa treatment!  I got a seaweed mask applied all over, then lie on a warm water "float" bed; after a shower, I lie there some more and then had a full body massage, it was pure heaven!  This was the best Mother's Day gift ever, and to be on a beautiful cruise ship to boot!  Mama feels so appreciated! :')
After naps and lunch, we took Penelope and Luciana to the water park play area and had a great time.  Lulu lie on a chaise lounge and just played and enjoyed the warm sun in her cute little swimsuit.  Mommy, Daddy, and even Penelope went down the water slides!  What fun!  Scary too.  (Penelope went on a baby water slide, not a big one.)  Later before dinner, we put Penelope down for bed in our room in the crib, and took Luciana over to Mana & Granddaddy's cabin while we ate.  Both girls did well, and we ate like it was our last meal... meaning, we ate a LOT. :)  Our cabin is nice and big, so when we have any downtime it's roomy enough for P to run around and play, and Lu just plays on one of the beds.
We are having such a great time, and the weather is just beautiful!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Day 184

Today we were up with the sun, we had to finish packing and get over to Long Beach for our four day cruise! Daddy had just worked three days, so we were all excited to see each other and to have some fun. We are celebrating Daddy finishing all his Captain's test studies and then the actual test. The whole thing took just about two years, and he just wanted to show his appreciation for all our support... We are so lucky to have him! We boarded the Inspiration at 1pm, and were in our suite overlooking the side of the ship-- it's a nice big room with a living room area and bathroom with a bath tub! Grandma Gayle and Granddaddy are in the suite next door, and their room is just like ours. We took a walk around the ship after our emergency presentation, and Luciana fell asleep in the Ergo while I walked. Later, Daddy & I went to dinner and Lulu stayed in the room with Mana. Penelope slept in our room by herself without a problem. We had time to enjoy a yummy dinner and take a walk around the ship. Not a bad first day... We are excited for tomorrow-- we will take the girls to the kids water play area, and they have a baby water slide!!!!!! That's all for today... oh, we are tired!! Goodnight.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Day 183

Today we spent the day packing for our cruise-- we leave tomorrow. Penelope woke Luciana up at 5:40-something this morning, and so it went. It's Mother's Day, and I thought a lot about my girls, and how happy I am to be a mother, their mother. I'm thankful I have the sanity to keep doing it every day! 

Luciana is doing well, and is learning lots lately. She is trying to sit up on her own-- I still have to help her lots, but she really wants to! She is still so little, I think it'll come when she's just a little bigger. She is a very independent baby during the day-- I can put her on a blanket with a few toys and she'll be happy there for 45 minutes, sometimes. It's awesome because I'm beginning to have the time to clean our house again!!! It's been hard while she needed so much attention, but I see that she's growing out of that. 

Both babies are asleep now, and most of our packing is done. Mommy will fold a loaf of laundry and call it a night. It was a long day, but I have a feeling tomorrow is going to be just as busy, but it'll also be FUN! Mexico, here we come!! 

Night ;)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Day 182

Today is Fire Service Day, and we went to Papa's fire station to eat hotdogs & snow cones! :) Just saying-- two of Mommy's favorite things in the world! We were up at the crack of dawn, and after morning naps we were packed for the day and in the car headed to L.A. We invited Aunt Anita, Anabella & Matt, as we all enjoyed a fun day at work with Daddy. The girls were running around the yard, climbing on the fire trucks, and they even got to squirt the fire hose & knock over a cone (something Daddy set up for fun:)) Luciana sat quietly and happily in the Ergo carrier with Mama, and smiled at everyone. She's such a sweetheart! No crying, no whining, no squirming... She's so easy to have around, thankfully, because having two under two could be waaaaaay harder than it is. :)

We went to see Aunt Anita's new house on our way out, and then high tailed it home. We were back in time to have dinner, clean up and get into jammies. What a day!! Mommy continues to get us all ready for our cruise on Monday (today is Saturday). We're excited to be going away for some fun with the girls!!!  

I didn't have anyone take any pics of Lulu and I, so I'll share one of Daddy and Penelope. 

Day 181

Yesterday was a long day, but a good one. Luciana had her 6-month checkup & immunizations in Newport Beach, so we had a bit of a drive-- we love our pediatrician, still deciding if we want to keep her & schlep or find a local doc. So! Lulu has gained a pound, but is all around still just a teeny tiny princess. :) Dr. Lau says she's just petite like Mommy (and like her big sis was, too), and not to worry. She has met all the milestones expected of her for this age, and is a very healthy girl. When it came time for shots, I braced myself and held her arms... She cried a lot, but calmed when I nursed her right away. I have to mention here that Penelope didn't cry for her one shot! She looked a bit shocked and worried for a second, but she got through it!! My girls are so cool, just like Mom & Dad. ;) This doctor's appointment was super easy (without Daddy, who is always with us) because of our awesome double stroller-- I just put both girls in it, hand P a snack and we're good! 

We came home, had naps and then went on a walk to get Daddy's dry cleaning... Mom might have gotten some Baskin Robbins on the way home.... Maybe. ;) 

Luciana was up late last night: 10:15!! I'm hoping it was because she napped a LOT after her shots and maybe that ruined her sleep. Please let that be it!! We can't go back to no sleep!!!!! :(

More later. Time to get morning naps going. Bye!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Day 180

Today we had Papa home all day, unexpectedly-- very nice! He made us pancakes for breakfast and Lulu sat in her bouncer and let us eat them! She used to cry every time I would sit down to eat, and lately she doesn't do that anymore! Good girl. :) 

After naps and lunch, Papa took the girls to the beach while Mama went to the nail salon (my once or twice a month getaway that's just for me!) They walk down the bike path to Doheny Beach:

I heard they had fun, and that Lulu had a nice long nap-- yay! Daddy loves taking his baby girls on long walks and to the beach & park. It's nice that I can always count on a little downtime while he & the girls get away for some of their own fun! I usually am bugging him for pics and updates the whole time-- I can't help it, it's hard for me to be away from my angel babies!! 

Luciana is getting used to going to bed earlier nowadays, and is sleeping great in her bed & room. We are all sleeping at night, and boy, it is NICE!!!

Tomorrow we are going to see Dr. Lau for Lulu's 6 month checkup & immunizations. Tomorrow's post will reflect what we learned there, weight, height and those things. 

Daddy will be at work until we leave for our cruise Monday... We can't wait. :'(


Day 179

Yesterday Luciana spent a few hours at Mana's place while Mom & Penelope ran a few errands. She had a nice long walk, and took a nap. :) I think she has a good time when she's there, she gets lots of attention and hugs & kisses! Lucky kid, everyone loves her. 

That's all for now! 

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Day 178

We made it to the park early today-- 8:30 am, and boy was it COLD! :) I was certainly NOT complaining, but I do wish I would have brought extra blankets for my babies. They were fine, but of course I worry. Mama did her workout & then we went to the playground where Penelope goes bananas for a while, and my baby girl Luciana just slept. What a life!! She hardly ever cries when we're walking, and is usually lulled to sleep by the time we're at the playground, so I think Lulu likes our mornings at the park. :) 

Later today, I took the girls on a walk to the Baskin Robbins, and that was pretty much our day. I like these low key days, and I think the girls do too-- we get to spend all our time together playing, cuddling, reading books, and watching Penelope being a nut! Good times... Only thing missing is Daddy. 

Here are pics from this morning:

That's all for today. We have a busy day tomorrow! Night.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Day 177

Since I just purged my phone camera of all pics & had none from today, I'll show an oldie-- one of Penelope when she was about as old is Luciana is now. Look how alike they look!!!!!!

Wow. I guess our girlies may end up looking very similar! :) Two cutie pies, no problem! 

It finally cooled off, and we had some clouds and cool wind-- very welcome after the heat we had last week! We spent the day at home, and I let both girls nap nap nap to their hearts content, not having to rush off here or there. We were late for walking group, so we just sorta took it slow after we decided not to go today. Once Papa came home from class (where he'll be all week), it was pretty much dinner & bedtime. These days fly by. Next thing you know, we'll be on our vacation! :) Mama will begin to slowly pack for all of us, because it truly will take all week to think it out, plan it and then execute. Bags, laundry, toiletries, baby things (including bedding for the cribs Carnival will supply us with), toys & books, pool stuff, and the list goes on. We have to be prepared, and we will be, you can bet on it! ;)

We're happy Daddy's home all week, even if it's just at night. Yay. :) 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Day 176

We had fun today, with Daddy. :) We all had a big breakfast together (which Mommy made, and didn't burn ONE THING!), then my three love bugs (P, Lu and Daddy) took a long nap. Later, we packed up our bikes & trailers and took the kids on a bike ride into town and had some lunch. We hit a park on our way home, and by the time we made it back it was time for dinner and baths! Crazy-- our day just flew by. Funny how that happens when we are all home together! :) 

Luciana is doing so well, and is so so easy to take care of, I wanna remember that about her, especially. Maybe I'm less nervous with her since she's my second, and that has something to do with it, who knows?

It's 10pm, and I better get some rest before our angel wakes up and wants a midnight snack. At midnight. Always on time, she's totally a Rindge, NOT a Rodriguez!!! ;)

Night !!

*hopefully my phone will be free to take pix tomorrow. :/

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Day 175

Today was a little cooler, thankfully. We had a couple errands to run in the neighborhood, so we were able to keep ourselves indoors again, though, because it was still pretty hot. Lulu is pretty fair skinned, and we aren't putting sunscreen on her sensitive skin just yet, so I have to be extra careful. I keep baby girl in long sleeves and pants, and always her hat if she's out of her stroller. We'll think about the sunscreen soon, though-- the labels say that at 6 months, it's safe. 

We had a low key day, and are super happy Papa is coming home tomorrow... It's been 3 days, and we just miss him. Luciana loves her Daddy, but is really only all about Mama (the one with the milk!!) right now, so she doesn't really notice, I think. It's Penelope who will walk around and then all of a sudden stop, appear to be thinking, then just say "Dada!", or she'll hear something like keys and think her Daddy is home, and she'll shoot into the front room. They miss their Daddy, but we love his work schedule because his off days are so much fun, and he really is a very hands on Dad. Papa takes the girls places, just the three of them so Mama can rest, and plays with them when we're all home. It's hard for us all at times, but also very rewarding. :)

Luciana is sleeping like a champ in her bedroom, in her crib all night still! :) We'll start to get her on a regular nap and bedtime schedule once we're settled into the upstairs.

Update on our renovations: master bathroom is almost finished, and once we can move into the master bedroom, we can move everything else where it belongs. We have endured lots of noise, dirty, dusty workers in the house, early hours, naps in the car (Mama drives, of course!), and general discomfort from living out of boxes still, but we are so close to finishing with all that... So close. We will LOVE our beautiful, finished rooms and it'll have all been worth it. :)

Time to hit the sack, I sure hope the girls sleep in, even just a little!!! 

Here's Lulu my love before her bath tonight:

Day 174

Yesterday was another hot day, but we are used to it now & knew to STAY INSIDE! :) We beat that heat, yeah! One exciting bit of news from yesterday, Luciana ate a little bit of mango/apricot yogurt! I was feeding Penelope her snack and Lulu was staring at us, so I gave her teeny bites and she liked it! Her face while she was eating: priceless!! She was enjoying it, and so was Mommy, it was too cute and I wish I had one more hand to get a pic. :/ Our baby girl is growing so fast.... So fast, this time is so sweet, when she's so little and I'm soaking up every little minute! 

That's all for now. Bye!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Day 173

Hot day #300. (That's what it feels like, but it's only hot day #3) The Rindge girls woke up at 7:00 am on the dot, like always! I'm not sure how these two got together and planned it, but there we all are at 7:00 am, awake. :/ Some mornings, Penelope would definitely sleep in, but my baby Lulu wants to cry. :) 

Since it was so darn HOT outside, we did inside things, and tried our best to stay out of the sun. Even five minutes in the heat makes the babies cheeks flushed! I hope this Summer isn't this brutal, because we'll ALL be in the office where the AC is!! The upside for all this is all us girlies have new swimsuits for our upcoming cruise to Mexico! Yay, we're all gonna be cute (and chubby) by the pool!

Tomorrow is day #2 of Daddy at work, so we're going to hope hope hope for a cooler day, and enjoy it. :) 

Mama's photo album (on my phone, I do this whole blog from my iPhone) is full, so I haven't been able to take pics. :/ More coming once I can purge them onto Papa's computer. 
