Thursday, August 28, 2014

Day 290

Our day:

Wake up at 6ish, feed the girls, play until it's time for Luciana's nap. Then, Penelope and I play for a couple hours, during which time Lu wakes up from her nap. We then put Penelope down for her nap, then feed Lulu lunch & play for an hour or so. Lulu and I lie down to rest (Mama needed a little rest!!) and Lu fell asleep.... Ahhh, 20 minute rest was heavenly! I run down to tidy up, get some laundry folded & get P's lunch ready, because she would surely be starving when she woke up-- she napped straight through lunch-- and waited for her to wake up. Fed P lunch, and I won't bore anyone with the rest, Target, dinner, baths.... :)

I guess the moral of the story is: we had a long day! No more naps at the same time. :'( It makes things a little tricky, but we are trying different things each day to see how we can make our day a little more... Tidy, or workable. 

One amazing part of today-- having Luciana fall asleep snuggled up to me... It's one of the best feelings ever!

The other amazing part of today-- when Penelope counted to TEN!!!!! She isn't even two yet... She is my amazing and smart big girl! She and Luciana sort of rubbed noses while we were all on the bed this morning-- it was the first time I saw Lulu so close to P without pulling her hair. :/ Anyway, it was a sweet moment, seeing them smiling at each other, nuzzling.... It was awesome!!!

We had a day for the books (or blog, haha) and I am thankful for it, for my babies. We are happy Daddy's home tomorrow, I'm betting he can't wait to juggle two babies!! :) (He loves it, and is pretty good at it.)

Enough rambling, goodnight.

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