Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 267

Finally Papa is home after four long days at work! We were so happy to see him. :) We ran errands all afternoon while the cleaning ladies got our house back into shape-- I have to say, it's a huge help to not have to worry about the deep cleaning anymore! Daddy had a few doctors appointments late afternoon, so us gals hung out and waited for him to come back. Now that he's home, he's staying for two weeks! We plan on exploring our "new" neighborhood and other places nearby, places we haven't had the chance to see.... FUN places. :) We can't wait!!

 Luciana is so much more of a big girl now, she is way more aware of her surroundings, is vocal with her happiness (or unhappiness, too) and is just enjoying our outings much more, so all these places will be exciting to see through her eyes, as well as P's. So much fun to make these girls smile, and trying to surprise them with fun things everyday, big and small. :)

Oh-- We bought Lu size 3 diapers at Costco today. P wears size 4! She's growing.... Fast. :) and :'(


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