Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day 264

We are 101 days away from our baby being one year old!! Time is flying... I know I'm always going to LOVE LOVE LOVE this stage in both my babies lives-- the baby stage is very challenging, but also a lot of fun. And how cute are they?! :)

We went to a yard sale with Mana today, we hadn't seen her in a while, so we thought we'd visit. Once we made it home, the girls napped, and it began to rain. That kept us indoors the remainder of the day, which was kinda nice. We snuggled on the sofa and watched TV together, something we rarely do. Penelope can barely sit still for 30 seconds, so it was a treat that she was in a calm mood. :) My Lulu is always up for snuggles, but she's a total Mama's girl, and loves to be stuck on me. :) One day the girls won't want to sit on Mama or Daddy's lap, won't want us to attack them with kisses, so we just love it that they do now!

Luciana sat in her big sister's high chair for lunch today:

She loved it! Yay!

Here are a few pics of the two of us when we were playing on the couch-- she started to bite my knee!! She thought it was pretty funny, too.

It's pretty late-- 11:43pm & Lulu has only woken once..... Scratch that, she just woke up now! Gotta run, night!

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