Sunday, August 10, 2014

Day 272

We visited Granddaddy today at his house for lunch. The girls had a good time, both were in a good mood almost the entire time. :) Granddaddy was honored at his church service today for his time as a war corespondent in WW2, so he kept his uniform on for us to see-- he looked great!! I have to mention, this was the actual suit he wore 70 years ago!! We are lucky to have him in our lives, we love him very much. :)

We walked down to the bluffs to see the ocean....

Once we got home, it was business as usual: dinner, baths, Peppa & bedtime. The girls are super with their routine, only P is beginning to whine just a tad when we announce "it's time for bed, let's go upstairs". I think it's time where she's realizing she wants to stay up later!! :/

Luciana is still working on being a great sleeper, some nights she is doing okay, and some not so great. The important thing is that we stick to our guns with not nursing all night-- I think it's helping. 

Here are a couple pics from bathtime... Night. 

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