Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 276

Today we went to our new favorite indoors play place-- We Play Loud. :) We just had to bring Daddy there to see how cool it is, and he liked it too. Penelope got to really experience it all, while Luciana mostly rode around in the Ergo, watching all the kids play. She did get to do a few things, like:

This Merry go round-- she really liked this!


This was like a water bed (girls, a water bed is something out of the 80's-- I don't know why they ever went out of style;))

And more! She really had a good time, as did P. Next time we go there, we'll be sure to bring Daddy if he's free again, so much more fun with him there!

We are enjoying our "summer vacation", all of us... Here are a couple more pics. Goodnight. 

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