Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Day 289

Well folks-- it was about 200 degrees out today. Yes, we could've fried an egg on the sidewalk, had we felt like eating dirty eggs. :/ After Papa came home (early) from his class, we decided to take a walk down to the beach. We packed up the stroller and headed out.... We made it to the corner before we both felt like the skin on our arms was frying like bacon-- not a great sensation. We decided to make it a trip to the park, and once we got home, we headed out to the backyard & filled up P's kiddy pool! We all got in, Daddy and I put our feet in, and cooled all the way down. New family rule: (once we purchase a snazzy outdoor thermometer) NO GOING ON WALKS IF ITS 200 DEGREES OUTSIDE! Sheesh, poor kids were melting. 

(Mommy doesn't love the heat, if you can't tell by now.)

I thought we'd be cooling down a bit after we'd had a couple cool-ish nights, but no luck.

Here are the girls enjoying our little pool party... Night!!

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