Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Day 172

The Santa Ana winds have made these last two days hotter than Hades! Today Daddy came home from work, but needed a nap since he was up all night. We decided to take a walk to our little park and play a bit-- Penelope was going stir crazy inside since we missed walking group this morning (we were too tired & slow!) So I packed us some water, extra sunscreen, hats & P's ball to kick around. We lasted about 20 minutes at the park before all three of us were red faced and panting. Lulu was in the shade at all times, but I worried for Penelope, who has fair skin. We spent the rest of the afternoon indoors! Daddy and P cooled off with the hose in the back hard, but Lulu and Mama just sat under our fan and relaxed. :) Even in the heat, Luciana kept her cool! 

Later, she came on a shopping & dinner trip with me and a couple friends-- and was quiet and happy to watch the world around her. So easy to have her around!

Here's a pic of the three of us:


That's all for tonight. We are all in cool pajamas (onesie for Lulu) and have all our fans running. Sigh.... We are upstairs and heat rises.  :/ Goodnight.

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