Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day 165

Today Luciana spent the afternoon shopping with Mama! I was on the hunt for the perfect dress to wear to a black tie party this weekend, and of course, I only just found it today, three days before the event!! :/ Lulu is such an angel when we're out-- if she's fed, she's so happy to sit in her stroller and take in the sights. She really really looks at everything, and I can tell she's having a great time, even when she's not smiling. :) Penelope stayed at home with Mana, because let's face it: shopping (when you have to try stuff on) with two under two is impossible. Truly. I've tried it, and it's probably a funny sight, if I could see us from afar. :) Daddy just gave us the green light on getting a new stroller (which I think I mentioned-- a double Bob), but since it's a side-by-side, we are a wide load on wheels. It makes for interesting encounters in the aisles! I always get lots of help while we're out, people holding doors, and things like that. It's nice to have two gorgeous babies in my stroller-- they are complimented wherever we go, always. :) 

Day #5 of Lulu sleeping alone in her room. Things are good, and she couldn't have made us more proud! We are so pleased that our baby is taking this change in stride, and honestly, she seems happier being left alone at bedtime, rather than with pesky Mommy hovering over her, trying to rock, pet and hush her to sleep. What can I say? I've been wrong once or twice before. ;)

So, Daddy wanted me to post this pic-- it's us gals on Easter:

...and this one:

Both my girls all dressed up. Love them!! That's all for today, folks. Goodnight.

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