Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Day 145

Luciana is an angel all day, until around 6pm, then she just wails for an hour or more until she passes out, exhausted. It's so hard to watch and hear because she is usually inconsolable. :(  We think she's about where she should be, though, and that this is behavior typical of a baby her age. Sleep training is just around the corner! We are going to start getting her bedroom ready for her to finally move in this week, so that's when her boot camp will begin. :/ I'm happy and also sad... once she's in her own crib, she'll become a superstar sleeper and won't be in our bed anymore-- we will miss her!

Baby girl is almost five months old, and even though this time is very difficult for all, we are happy and so proud of our sweet girl. Oh, one more thing-- Penelope says "Lulu" now! So cute. :)


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