Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day 159

Today was another busy, but fun day. I woke up before the alarm at 6:55, and jumped out of bed to get us ready for our walking/excersize group that meets at 8:50. It took every second until 8:45, when we drove off, to get ready! It isn't easy to get us all dressed, fed, cleaned up, packed & into the car, lemme tellya! Our group is four other moms & their kids. We meet at a park near the Dana Point Harbor and walk around it a few times (in our new Bob Revolution Duallie-- the Farrarri of all strollers!) and then take turns running up & down 118 stairs! I'm sooo out of shape, that's all I'll say about that. Afterwards, we go to the playground and let the kiddies play. An hour or two later, we're back in the car. Today we ran a few errands afterward so the girls could nap in the car-- to avoid the construction noise at home. It works for us, these car naps, thankfully! 

So, we miss Papa who is still in Texas (College Station, taking a class) and we've done video chat every night almost to keep from missing him too much. :/ We're looking forward to seeing him soon. 

Back at it tomorrow & Friday, walking group, that is-- we're loving having new friends! I'll take one for the team (exercising & rushing around like crazy so early) so the girls and I have some sort of social life! 


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